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Sex Education 101

In Sex Education 101, we discuss the global cultural differences in how people view and practice Sex. From the people of Modern Societies to the Warriors of East African Tribes, and the many differing social views of sex in-between. Take a journey into what we call "The Wonderous World of the Orgasm".


The Wonderous World of the Orgasm


Semen Drinking

In Papua, New Guinea, men belonging to the Sambian tribe drink semen as part of their ritualistic tribute to manhood. Young boys of ages 6 to 10 undertake this rite of passage in six stages, of which regular sexual stimulation via fellatio performed by elder men plays a major role. This inclusion of fellatio and semen drinking is key to the development of a young boy into manhood because of the tribe's deep belief in the idea that "eating the penis" and drinking the semen is a requirement in order to acquire what they refer to as the "masculine spirit".

Last Week's Chapter:

The Khmer Deflowering Ritual

In parts of Cambodia and Thailand, ancient tantric priests of various religions (Buddhist, Taoist, Hindu) within the region ritually deflower prepubescent girls of ages 7 to 11 to bestow luck upon the family of the girl; where religion, astrology, and magic converge on the evening to be ripe for the reception of such a sacred sacrifice. The event was commonly preceded by a mass celebration and feast hosted by the parents of the sacrificial virgin girl, culminating with the deflowering ceremony, which was conducted within a specially-built chamber constructed from raw and perishable materials provided by the parents. 

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